Sunday, November 15, 2009

Newspapers aren't doing as badly as we think

Last week Slate published a story on the state of the Newspaper Industry in the U.S. According to the writer, Daniel Gross, it's not all doom and gloom and he's seeing some positive trends.

The part of the article that most got my attention was this.

"This is the new emerging model—cutting costs, raising prices. It may still fail in the end. But we shouldn't act as if the online-only crowd has it all figured out. Every month, several million Americans pay to have newspapers and magazines delivered to their homes—a trick most online publications have yet to pull off."

In other words Newspapers, especially the National newspapers, are trying to replace the loss of classified advertising by increasing the newstand price. In other words they're trying to get paid for what they are providing! Doh!

Let's hope they suceed. If you want to read the whole thing, you can find it here.

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